• The purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to unite all the peoples of the world in one universal Cause, one common Faith. Baha’is believe that all humanity was created by one God and all are members of one human race.
    • To be a Baha’i means to follow the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the Prophet-Founder. Baha’is believe He is the Promised One of all ages, and that His teachings enable humanity to build the peaceful and prosperous civilization which has been promised in prophesies of many religions.
    • The Baha’i Faith has an administrative order including elected nine-member assemblies at the local, national, and international level.
    • Baha’u’llah has revealed laws that Baha’is are expected to follow. These laws include daily prayer and daily reading of Baha’u’llah’s  Writings.
    • A key tenet is the independent investigation of truth; each individual is responsible to discover the truth for himself. This pertains to the process of becoming a Baha’i.

    Some of the above tenets are commendible (red) but there is much falsehood and much missing. Here are some major points:

    Bahauallah was not holy nor a divine luminary, he was a sinful man who died like the rest of us. Notice that nothing is said about humanity’s sin against a HOLY GOD.

    The Bahai faith states that God is unknowable and inaccessible but yet the source of all revelation (what a contradiction!). But God has made himself known in the incarnation and was ever accessible, even in our first parents (John 1:18).

    “The oneness of all religion. ” How can beliefs that are diametrically opposed be one? (Amos 3:3).

    “The essential worth of all religions.”  Surely there can only be one truth and what is false is not only unworthy of adherence but downright wicked and dangerous. Any religion that denies that God has become man in Christ is a lie ( I John 4:2, I Tim.2:4). Humans MUST HAVE a sin-bearing atoning mediator to approach Jehovah.

    Bahai website